Editorial Board

International Journal of Life Science Study (IJLSS)

ISSN: 2329-6119 (Print)
ISSN: 2329-6100 (Online)
Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

International Journal of Life Science Study (IJLSS)

International Journal of Life Science Study (ISSN: 2329-6119, eISSN: 2329-6100) is an open access and peer reviewed International Journal which is dedicated to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of Life Sciences. International Journal of Life Science Study (IJLSS) is a collaborated publishing project under Zibeline International and Academic Research Publishers.


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Editor in Chief

Dr Saima Nasreen
Department of Environmental Sciences
Women University, Multan, Pakistan

Editorial Members

Dr. Siris, Ethel S.
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Thibault, Pierre
Munich Technology University, Germany

Prof. Santana, Quentin C
Pretoria University, Genet, Forestry & Agr Biotechnol Institution, Pretoria, South Africa

Prof. Sena, Emily S
Edinburgh University Ctr Clin Brain Sci, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

Dr. Slugovc, C
Graz University of Technology, ICTM, Stremayrgasse Graz, Austria

Prof. Wiegmann, B. M.
Carolina State University, Dept Entomol, Raleigh, USA

Dr. van Goudoever, J. B
Sophia Childrens University Hosp, Erasmus Med Ctr, Dept Paediat, Div Neonatol, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Prof. Moed, H. F.
Leiden University, Central Science & Technology Studies CWTS, AX Leiden, Netherlands