Journal: Environment & Ecosystem Science (EES)
Author: Nur Izatul Ayu Hazmi, Marlia M. Hanafiah
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
DOI: 10.26480/ees.01.2018.13.16

The increment in livestock production leads to high risk of environmental problems such as water pollution due to the improper management of livestock operations. Phytoremediation is an alternative approach in treating wastewater from livestock from further contaminate the water bodies. For this study,
Azolla filiculoides and
Lemna minor were used as the phytoremediation plants to remove ammoniacal nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand in the wastewater from livestock. Livestock wastewater was treated using
Azolla filiculoides and
Lemna minor for six days. Using the reactor digestion and Nessler methods, the initial values before treatment for ammoniacal nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand were 109.83 mg/L and 11,742 mg/L, respectively. After six days of treatment, ammoniacal nitrogen was reduced to 51.93 mg/L and 43.93 mg/L by using
Azolla filiculoides and
Lemna minor, respectively. The chemical oxygen demand was decreased to 680 mg/L and 820 mg/L by using
Azolla filiculoides and
Lemna minor, respectively. The esults showed that both
Azolla filiculoides and
Lemna minor were efficient in removing the nutrients in the livestock wastewater.