Environment & Ecosystem Science (EES)

Accumulation and Tolerance of Radiocesium in Plants and its Impact on the Environment

February 13, 2019 Posted by Basem Alhusali In Environment & Ecosystem Science (EES)


Accumulation and Tolerance of Radiocesium in Plants and its Impact
on the Environment

Journal: Environment & Ecosystem Science (EES)
Author:Mehwish Jamil Noor, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

DOI: 10.26480/ees.01.2017.13.16

Cesium 133Cs natural concentration is low and not toxic. It acts as short term pollutant in air but in soil it has long persistence. Plant uptake being the pathway of entrance of Cesium in biosphere. Two major radioisotopes of Cesium that proved to be pollutants are Cs 137 & Cs 134 they emit β and γ radiation. Those radiation enters terrestrial environment through nuclear testing and accidental or legalized discharge of nuclear waste from nuclear reactors. However it has been evaluated that concentration of uptake determines its hazard potential to plants. Details are presented in present chapter about its percolation, factors effecting its uptake and impacts on the plants. Radiocesium has a long term radiological impact on the environment as this radionuclide is readily transferred to human through food chain. Plant uptake is the major contributor in this shift. In the current chapter factors involve in translocation of radiocesium in environment has been reviewed. Plants significant in phyto remediation of radiocesium from environment has been assessed. Radiocesium phytoremediation was found too slow in restoration activity. In accidental situation fast growing Cs accumulating plants are required whereas at small or domestic scale traditional counter measures like crop varieties that do not uptake Cs should be used to block or restrict entry into food chain. however the limitation found in this is the slow uptake and accumulation of radioactive biomass at the end.
Pages 13-16
Year 2017
Issue 1
Volume 1
