Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP)

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ISSN: 2521-2893 (Print)
ISSN: 2521-2907 (Online)
Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP)

Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) is an International Open & Free Access quarterly e-Journal publishing peer-reviewed primary research/review papers from all the domains: geophysics, geology, physical geogrophy, atmospheric science, oceanography, soil and environmental science in English language. It also publishes popular articles, gallery of photos of geo-scientific interests, News items also containing organization of earth science events, seminars, conferences etc. across the globe as our outreach efforts. ESP is launched for rapid exchange of researches and ideas between the widespread community of earth scientists and also to promote awareness about ‘Science of Earth’ among students and common public. Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) is aiming at promoting and publishing original high quality research in all disciplines of earth sciences and technology.


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Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) is an International Open & Free Access quarterly e-Journal publishing peer-reviewed primary research/review papers from all the domains: geophysics, geology, physical geogrophy, atmospheric science, oceanography, soil and environmental science in English language. It also publishes popular articles, gallery of photos of geo-scientific interests, News items also containing organization of earth science events, seminars, conferences etc. across the globe as our outreach efforts. ESP is launched for rapid exchange of researches and ideas between the widespread community of earth scientists and also to promote awareness about ‘Science of Earth’ among students and common public. Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) is aiming at promoting and publishing original high quality research in all disciplines of earth sciences and technology. All research articles submitted to ESP should be original in nature, never previously published in any journal or presented in a conference or undergoing such process across the globe. All the submissions will be peer-reviewed by the panel of experts associated with particular field. Submitted papers should meet the internationally accepted criteria and manuscripts should follow the style of the journal for the purpose of both reviewing and editing.

Aims & Scope

The journal is highly inter-disciplinary and publishes scholarly research – new data, ideas, and conceptual advances – in Earth Science. The focus is on the evolution of the Earth as a system: manuscripts describing changes of anthropogenic origin in a limited region are not considered unless they go beyond describing the changes to include an analysis of earth-system processes. The journal’s scope includes the solid earth (geosphere), the atmosphere, the hydrosphere (including cryosphere), and the biosphere; it also addresses related aspects of planetary and space sciences. Contributions pertaining to the Indian sub- continent and the surrounding Indian-Ocean region are particularly welcome. Given that a large number of manuscripts report either observations or model results for a limited domain, manuscripts intended for publication in ESP are expected to fulfill at least one of the following three criteria.

    • The data should be of relevance and should be of statistically significant size and from a region from where such data are sparse. If the data are from a well-sampled region, the data size should be considerable and advance our knowledge of the region.

    • A model study is carried out to explain observations reported either in the same manuscript or in the literature.

    • The analysis, whether of data or with models, is novel and the inferences advance the current knowledge.

Topic which will be published in the ESP

Physical Geography
Engineering Geology
Atmospheric Physics
Environmental Geology
Mining & Minerals
Atmospheric Sciences
Mining Engineering

Peer Review Policy
All peer review is single blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.

Article publishing charge
There is no APC from 2017 to 2020. Authors will pay $300 only from 2021 onwards.

Submission charges
There are no submission charges for this journal.

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