Journal: Environment & Ecosystem Science (EES)
Author: Ibrahim Sufiyan, Dahiru M.K, Abdulrasheed A, Karagama K.G
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
DOI: 10.26480/ees.01.2025.08.09
Resilience is often seen as a good thing; if an ecosystem or human society is resilient, it will be able to withstand the disruptions it faces; for a system to maintain a particular state, it must not be subjected to disturbances that exceed its ability to recover from that state, so resilience, like carrying capacity, is closely linked to sustainability; this is why it efforts to improve resilience from groups like the Resilience Alliance; they want our human-environment system to be preserved; city growth and sustainability depending on the stability of the urban indexes such as new development attracted by the people to economic prosperity, proximity as well as the political stability in the area; Keffi is being growing base on the urban growth indexes stated; sampling based on the indexing of the major factors of sustainability was conducted; about 95% of the inhabitant in the study area agreed upon educational expansion is responsible for urban sprawl as well as the city resilience, 80% on proximity index, 70% on economic stability, 60% social resilience and 45% on political stability of the inhabitant.
KEYWORDS: Urban city, Resilience Sustainability, Growth, Planning.
Developing urban resilience is a salient achievement in the transformation of resource-based urban areas; this study assesses the impact of sustainable growth and conversion in resource-based cities on infrastructural growth, economic base, and urban ecology for social resilience; the results indicate that the sub-resilience illustrates an obvious upward movement; furthermore, the economic index for infrastructural social resilience has a spatial aggregation effect (Chai and Sun, 2023); transitions towards sustainable development can make tremendous achievements in ecological resilience in resource-based cities, but it can also negatively impact social resilience; therefore, governments need to address the social issues that can arise during transitions; this study provides a theoretical basis to inform government policy adjustments; regional disaster and risk produced by geomatics factors have risen in contemporary ages, posing enormous challenges to achieving the 2030 Global Sustainable Development Goals; urban resilience determines how cities develop, adapt, and recover from external shocks; recently, practical analysis and evaluation of urban resilience in South-East Asia are still lacking; some researchers developed the urban resilience index (URI) (Zeng et al., 2022; Amirzadeh et al., 2022); cities around the world face a range of threats, such as disasters and other disruptions; urbanization is a complex system, and inadequate resilience may hinder the growth and development of the subsystems, which results in major losses for the whole system (Lu et al., 2023); the vulnerabilities of cities are becoming bottlenecks that limit urban resilience and sustainable development in the face of disasters; urban resilience, which has gradually become a hot topic in urban research worldwide, refers to the ability of cities to withstand, absorb, adapt, and recover from the impact of risks (Sun et al., 2023); the goal of resilient urban development is to “make urban areas and human settlements safe, resilient, and sustainable” (UN, 2015); the term “resilience” originates from the Latin word “resilio”; the term has been applied in different fields of study, especially in environmental science, management and planning, sociology, and other disciplines (Smit et al., 2000); the present theories of urban resilience refer to the activities of complex urban systems to prevent, reuse, and recover from dangers in the environment; the world urbanization rate was 56% in 2021, and the proportion of people living in urban areas is expected to increase to 68% by 2050 (Bernstein, 2022); urbanization not only brings economic growth but also leads to diversification and its distribution, such as climate change, natural disasters, and social crises, which greatly impact the quality of life of urban residents (Meerow and Newell, 2021); urban growth is poised to constitute a threat to the security and sustainable development of cities (Serbanica and Constantin, 2023); the ability of an urban system or network to respond, adapt, and recover from these potential risks depends on the resilience of the city (Wu et al., 2023); urban resilience, which is related to urban planning and construction systems, has become a popular academic topic, and researchers have also defined this concept from many perspectives; especially in the field of climate change, resilience theory is considered one of the most effective methods to mitigate ecological problems, for example, the concept of combining urban resilience measurement.
Study adopted an appropriate statistical analysis. These include the use of R2 from the regression analysis model. And the use of pie chart to illustrate the magnitude of the urban resilience in the study area.
The impact of urban resilience and stability index in this Study are based on the peripheral growth. These indexes include Social factor Economic factor Proximity factor Educational factor Political stability.

The two major indexes from the urban stability index in Keffi are the proximity to the Federal Capital Territory Abuja and the establishment of educational institution Nasarawa State University Keffi. As shown the chart in figure 1, other factors include socio-economic and political stability.

Two important factors of resilience based on this study have been identified: the proximity factor of the study area to Keffi to Abuja has 80% and the educational factors with 95% growth rate. Monitoring urban resilience is paramount in determining the rate at which urban green growth developed overtime. It was discovered that the introduction of new opportunities in term of urban education facilities. Urban resilience as so far identified other factors in the environment; these include socio-economic resilience, political and neighbourhoods’ peripheral growth. All of the new approaches of urban resilience discussed in other previous cities have being occurring in Keffi these days.
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Pages | 08-09 |
Year | 2025 |
Issue | 1 |
Volume | 9 |